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Welcome to the Professorship for Learning Sciences and Higher Education (LSE) at ETH Zurich

LSE lab


We are excited to announce the worldwide release of Prof. Kapur's new book: external page Productive Failure.

Productive Failure Book

'Productive Failure' Book Interview 

Productive Failure Book

Prof. Kapur had an interesting discussion with external page Anwiti Singh on New Dehli Television (NDTV) about his external page 'Productive Failure' book. Watch the full interview on external page 'How to Turn Failures into Success'.

Invited Talks

Join for a free Presents event: external page «Harnessing Failure» in New York on February 21, 2025! 

Prof. Kapur and Simons Foundation president David Spergel will dissect how we navigate failure on a personal and societal basis and how we can better prepare people for the inevitability of failure — and perhaps even find joy in it.


Berlin Science Week

Prof. Kapur talked about Productive Failure, Embodied Learning, and the Future of Learning along with Dr. Chris Luebkeman, ETH Zurich and Livia Leu, Ambassador of Switzerland in Germany, at the external page Berlin Science Week 2024


EDULEARN 2024, Palma

Prof. Kapur was a keynote speaker at EDULEARN24 conference in Palma. 

external page When and how flipped learning is effective


The Messy Middle

Prof. Kapur was interviewed on external page Andrew Horsfield's podcast "The Messy Middle".

external page Episode #47 - Productive Failure


TEDx St. Gallen

Prof. Kapur talked about failure as a means of learning at external page TEDxHSG Salon, University of St. Gallen.

Doctoral Defenses

Dr. Vera Baumgartner

December 4, 2023

Vera Baumgartner successfully defended her dissertation Preparing to Learn Linear Algebra — Problem-Solving before Instruction in University Mathematics

Charlotte Müller

August 30, 2023

Charlotte Müller successfully defended her dissertation Embodied Quantum Chemistry Learning from Haptic Feedback.

Samuel Tobler

May 31st, 2023

Samuel Tobler susscessfully defended his disseration Advancing university biology education with narratives

Christian Fässler

April 3, 2023

Christian Fässler successfully defended his disseration Computer-based Virtual Environment Simulations for Differential Diagnosis in Medical Education

Dr Julia Chatain

March 30, 2023

Julia Chatain successfully defended her disseration Embodied Interaction in Virtual Reality for Grounding Mathematics and received the prestigious ETH Medal for her outstanding dissertation. 


Xiaoxuan Li
         December 1st, 2024

We are very happy to welcome Xiaoxuan Li, who joined Manu's professorship as a doctoral student of the ETH Zurich - EPFL Joint Doctoral Programme in the Learning Sciences (JDPLS). 

Laura Bock, ETH Zurich

A very warm welcome to Laura Bock, who joined Manu's professorship as a doctoral student of the ETH Zurich - EPFL Joint Doctoral Programme in the Learning Sciences (JDPLS).  

Maria Ioanna Magkouta, ETH Zurich

A very warm welcome to Maria Ioanna Magkouta, who joined Manu's professorship as a doctoral student of the ETH Zurich - EPFL Joint Doctoral Programme in the Learning Sciences (JDPLS).  

JDPLS Summer School 2023

JDPLS Summer School
September 20- 22, 2023

Seven new ETH Zurich and six new EPFL doctoral students joined the second cohort of the ETH Zurich - EPFL Joint Doctoral Programme in the Learning Sciences (JDPLS), attending the JDPLS Summer School at hotel Murtenhof und Krone, Murten.


Dr Julia Chatain

November 2023

Dr. Julia Chatain received the prestigious ETH Medal for her outstanding disseration Embodied Interaction in Virtual Reality for Grounding Mathematics

Prof. Manu Kapur

October 2023

Prof. Kapur, received the external page Dandelion Award 2023 for championing student entrepreneurship at ETH Zurich.  

Dr Samuel Tobler

June 2023

Dr. Samuel Tobler was nominated for the Outstanding Student Paper Award for the paper "Metacognitive calibration: a methodological expansion and empirical application" at the 7th International Conference of the Learning Sciences (ISLS 2023).

Latest Publications

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