Research Grants


  1. Apr 2019: Principal Investigator (PI). The Future Learning Initiative, ETH Zurich (direct costs: CHF 7.5m)
  2. Jan 2019: Principal Investigator (PI). Improving STEM Engagement in Switzerland Schools. Funded by the Jacobs Foundation (direct costs: CHF 300k)
  3. Jan 2015: Co-Principal Investigator of a Ministry of Education (MOE) of Singapore funded project: An Investigation of Nonlinear Pedagogy and Its Application in Singapore Schools (direct costs: $250K)
  4. Nov 2014: Co-Principal Investigator on an Australian Research Council funded project: Agent-based virtual learning environments for understanding science. PI: Dr Michael Jacobson ($730K)
  5. Jul 2014: Principal Investigator of a Ministry of Education (MOE) of Singapore funded project: Translating Productive Failure in the Singapore A-level Statistics Curriculum (direct costs: $550K)
  6. Jul 2012: Principal Investigator of a Ministry of Education (MOE) of Singapore funded project: Implicit Social Cognition as a Predictor of Academic Performance (direct costs: $100K)
  7. Oct 2011: Principal Investigator of a Ministry of Education (MOE) of Singapore funded project: Building teachers’ capacity in assessment for learning of 21st century skills in mathematics (direct costs: $480K)
  8. May 2011: Co-Principal Investigator of a Ministry of Education (MOE) of Singapore funded project: STEP* for the Future: Investigating Pedagogical Change in New Approaches to Learning and Teaching in the Knowledge Age (direct costs: $250K)
  9. Apr 2010: Co-Investigator on a European Union funded project: Multiple Perspectives on Multiple Representations. PI: Dr Armin Weinberger (direct costs: $32K)
  10. Jan 2010: Collaborator on an Australian Research Council funded project: Virtual Environments for Learning Scientific Knowledge and Inquiry Skills. PI: Dr Michael Jacobson ($600K)
  11. Apr 2010: Co-Investigator on a European Union funded project: Multiple Perspectives on Multiple Representations. PI: Dr Armin Weinberger (direct costs: $32K)
  12. Apr 2009: Principal Investigator of a Ministry of Education (MOE) of Singapore funded project: Designing for Productive Failure (direct costs: $680K)
  13. Apr 2008: Principal Investigator of an MOE funded project: Integrative Phenomenological and Computational Study of the Collective Dynamics of Productive Failure in Collaborative Problem Solving (direct costs: $100K)
  14. Feb 2007: Principal Investigator of a Nanyang Technological University funded project: Collective Intelligence in Wikipedia: Computational Agent-Based Modeling of Large-Scale Authorial Dynamics (direct costs: $45K)
  15. Sep 2006: Principal Investigator of an MOE funded project: “Scaffold Less, Learn More”: Exploring Productive Failure in Complex, ill-structured Learning and Performance Spaces (direct costs: $50K)
  16. Sep 2006: Co-Principal Investigator of an MOE funded project: Engaging Secondary School Students with the Mathematics of Change (direct costs: $50K)
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