
  1. Kapur, M. (2024, Dec). Productive Failure. Keynote at the Staff Learning Day 2024, Monetary Authority of Singapore (MAS)'s Learning Academy, Singapore. 
  2. Kapur, M. (2024, Aug). Learning from Productive Failure: from Science to Impact. Keynote at EPFL Journées Scientifiques et Pédagogiques (JSP) 2024, Villars-sur-Ollons, Switzerland.
  3. Kapur, M. (2024, Jul). When and How Flipped Learning is Effective. Keynote at EDULEARN24, 16th annual International Conference on Education and New Learning Technologies, Palma, Spain. 
  4. Kapur, M. (2024, Apr). Productive Failure in the Context of Work Integrated Learning. Keynote at International Conference on Work Integrated Learning, Birla Institute of Technology & Science Pilani, Hyderabad, India. 
  5. Kapur, M. (2023, Sep). Learning from Productive Failure. Keynote at the 18th Conference of the Section Educational Psychology, University of Kiel and the Leibniz Institute for Science and Mathematics Education (IPN), Kiel, Germany.
  6. Kapur, M. (2023, Jul). Productive Failure and Learning Technologies. Keynote at World Conference on Educational Media and Technology, University of Vienna, Vienna, Austria.
  7. Kapur, M. (2023, Jun). The Future of Learning and Teaching. Keynote at Education Afternoon ZHAW, School of Engineering, Winterthur, Switzerland.
  8. Kapur, M. (2023, May). Productive Failure. Keynote at Zukunftstag Barmelweid, Switzerland. 
  9. Kapur, M. (2023, Mar). The Future of Learning. Keynote at SBO Onderwijs, Utrecht, The Netherlands. 
  10. Kapur, M. (2023, Mar). Active Learning meets Productive Failure. Keynote at the 20th Anniversary Spring Learning and Teaching Symposium, American University, Cairo, Egypt. 
  11. Kapur, M. (2023, Mar). Productive Failure. Keynote at opening event of Intrinsic Colearning Lab, Zürich, Switzerland.
  12. Kapur, M. (2023, Mar). Teaching and Learning with Productive Failure. Keynote at ICPS Pre-Conference, International Convention of Psychological Science (ICPS) Brussels, Belgium.
  13. Kapur, M. (2023, Feb). The Future of Higher Education and Technology. Keynote at eduhub days 2023, University of Lausanne, Switzerland. 
  14. Kapur, M. (2022, Nov). Productive Failure. Keynote at the 15th annual International Conference of Education, Research and Innovation (ICERI), Seville, Spain.
  15. Kapur, M. (2022, Nov). When and How to Design for Productive Failure. Keynote at SURF Education Days, Congress Center 1931, Den Bosch, The Netherlands. 
  16. Kapur, M. (2022, Nov). «Zukunft der Hochschule». Keynote at 17. Hochschulevent, Kongresshaus Zürich, Switzerland.
  17. Kapur, M. (2022, Nov). The Future of Learning. Keynote at Fernstudientag 2022 - «Zusammen in die Zukunft», Fernfachhochschule Schweiz (FFHS), Zürich, Switzerland.
  18. Kapur, M. (2022, Sep, online). How to Apply the Science of Learning to Edtech. Keynote at DIGITAL Universites_MENA, Khalifa University Abu Dhabi, UAE.
  19. Kapur, M. (2022, Aug). Productive Failure. Keynote at ACM Conference on International Computing Education Research, Lugano, Switzerland. 
  20. Kapur, M. (2022, May). Success, Learn from Productive Failure. Keynote at European Association for Distance Learning (EADL) Conference, Copenhagen, Denmark.
  21. Kapur, M. (2022, Mar). The Learning Sciences Meet Higher Education. Keynote at Digital Universities Week UK, London, UK. 
  22. Kapur, M. (2022, Jan). Productive Failure for Deep Learning. Keynote at the Forum of the Swiss Science Education Association, St. Gallen, Switzerland. 
  23. Kapur, M. (2021, Nov). Productive Failure. Keynote at Education Day, TU Delft, Netherlands.
  24. Kapur, M. (2021, Nov, online). Learning from Productive Failure. Keynote at Celebration of Education Scholarship of University of Toronto, Canada. 
  25. Kapur, M. (2021, Sep). LEARNING. Keynote at the Teachers' Symposium Kantonsschule Küsnacht, Switzerland.
  26. Kapur, M. (2021, June, online). The Future Learning Initiative. Keynote at SALTISE Conference, Quebec, Canada.
  27. Kapur, M. (2021, Apr). The Future of Learning. Keynote at the National University of Singapore Society (NUSS), Singapore.
  28. Kapur, M. (2020, Nov, online). When and How Collaboration Works. Keynote at the Young Exploders’ Club Forum organized by the Copernicus Science Center, Warsaw, Poland.
  29. Kapur, M. (2020, Nov, online). Learning from Productive Failure. Keynote at the Project-based Learning for Creative Problem Solving Conference, Shanghai, China.
  30. Kapur, M. (2020, Sep, online). AI and Education. Keynote at the Edtech Korea Forum, Seoul, Korea.
  31. Kapur, M. (2020, Sep, online). Failure and learning. Keynote remarks at the Annual High-Level Forum to Make the Global Goals a Reality, held on the first day of United Nations General Assembly.
  32. Kapur, M. (2019, Dec). Productive Failure and Learning. Keynote at the ETH Zurich Distinguished Computer Science Colloquium, Zurich, Switzerland.
  33. Kapur, M. (2019, Nov). Productive Failure and 21st Century Learning. Keynote at the Didacta-Digital Conference, Basel, Switzerland.
  34. Kapur, M. (2019, Nov). Productive failure in STEM Education. Keynote at the Learning Adventures Conference, Copernicus Science Center, Warsaw, Poland.
  35. Kapur, M. (2019, Nov). Productive failure for 21st century learning. Keynote at the Credit Suisse ETH Thematic Flagship Conference 2.0. ETH Zurich, Switzerland.
  36. Kapur, M. (2019, Sep). Productive failure. Keynote at the Symposium on STEM Higher Education, Technische Hochschule Nürnberg, Germany.
  37. Kapur, M. (2019, Aug). Knowing then doing, or knowing through doing. Keynote at the Annual Teaching Day, ZHAW School of Engineering, Winterthur, Switzerland.
  38. Kapur, M. (2019, Aug). When productive failure fails. Keynote at the Annual meeting of the European Association for Research on Learning and Instruction (EARLI), Aachen, Germany.
  39. Kapur, M. (2019, May). Developing adaptive expertise and productive failure. Keynote at the 106th Annual Congress of the Swiss Society of Surgery, Bern, Switzerland.
  40. Kapur, M. (2019, Feb). From the science of learning to the design of learning. Keynote at the Swiss Faculty Development Network (SFDN) Conference, Zurich, Switzerland.
  41. Kapur, M. (2019, Jan). Productive failure for developing adaptive expertise. Keynote at the Journée de réflexion 2019: Annual Meeting of the College of Deans of the Swiss Medical Faculties, Lucerne, Switzerland.
  42. Kapur, M. (2018, Nov). The science of developing adaptive expertise. Keynote at the Swiss Institute for Postgraduate and Further Education in Medicine (SIWF) Meeting, Bern, Switzerland.
  43. Kapur, M. (2018, Sep). Developing Talent for the Future: Lessons from Productive Failure. Keynote at the Temasek Polytechnic LA Fest, Singapore.
  44. Kapur, M. (2018, Sep). How education can prepare you for the future of work. Keynote at the Education Forum 2018 - CREALOGIX Digital Learning, Switzerland.
  45. Kapur, M. (2018, Sep). Learning and the power of failure? Keynote at the Sozialpädiatrisches Zentrum SPZ Symposium, Kantonsspital Winterthur, Switzerland.
  46. Kapur, M. (2018, Jun). Productive failure on the move. Keynote at the 5th International Mobile Learning Festival, Singapore.
  47. Kapur, M. (2018, Jun). Developing deep knowledge and creativity: How will ICT help? Keynote at the International Conference on Teaching and Learning with Technology, Singapore.
  48. Kapur, M. (2018, May). Beware unproductive success, learn from productive failure. Keynote at the Annual Teaching Day, Aalborg University, Aalborg & Copenhagen, Denmark.
  49. Kapur, M. (2018, Feb). The science of learning meets medical education. Keynote at the symposium on postgraduate medical education at The University Hospital Zurich, Switzerland.
  50. Kapur, M. (2018, Jan). Principles for developing talent for the future. Keynote at the Global Talent Summit, ETH Zurich, Switzerland.
  51. Kapur, M. (2017, Nov). Productive failure and the innovation paradox. Keynote at the UBS Industry Leader Network Event with ETH Zurich, Zurich, Switzerland.
  52. Kapur, M. (2017, Apr). Harnessing Productive Failure to develop Deep Knowledge, Creativity, and Resilience. Keynote at the UNESCO Forum on Strengthening Innovative Competencies and Entrepreneurship Skills through Education, Valmiera, Latvia.
  53. Kapur, M. (2017, Mar). Harnessing Productive Failure to develop Deep Knowledge, Creativity, and Resilience. Keynote at the Final Conference of the DFG Research Group, University of Tubingen, Germany.
  54. Kapur, M. (2017, Mar). Productive Failure. Keynote at the LIFT:Lab17 Conference, Geneva, Switzerland.
  55. Kapur, M. (2017, Mar). Beware unproductive success, try productive failure. Keynote at the 5th International Problem-Based Learning Symposium 2017 (5th IPBLS2017), Republic Polytechnic, Singapore.
  56. Kapur, M. (2016). Learning from Productive Failure. Keynote at the 2016 Yad Hanadiv Foundation Conference for Teacher Leaders, Tel Aviv, Israel.
  57. Kapur, M. (2016). Beware unproductive success. Keynote at the 2016 Marshall Cavendish Conference, Singapore.
  58. Kapur, M. (2016). The development of mathematical way of thinking and being through productive failure. Keynote at the Mathematics Teachers Conference, Singapore.
  59. Kapur, M. (2015). Epistemic games in Productive Failure. Keynote at the epiSTEME Conference, IIT Bombay, India.
  60. Kapur, M. (2015). It’s about time. Keynote at Annual Staff Conference of the Raffles Institution, Singapore.
  61. Kapur, M. (2015). Productive failure. Education Keynote at 8th Federation of the Asian and Oceanian Physiological Societies (FAOPS) Congress, Bangkok, Thailand.
  62. Kapur, M. (2015). Designing Learning for the 21st Keynote at the 8th International Education Leadership Conference, Lucknow, India.
  63. Kapur, M. (2014). Learning from Productive Failure. Keynote at the Collaborative Universities Biomedical Education Network (CUBENET) Conference, Canberra, Australia, 2014.
  64. Kapur, M. (2014). The sciences of learning: the field and its work. The Singapore-UK research and innovation forum on the sciences of learning, The Royal Society, London, UK.
  65. Kapur, M. (2014). Learning from Productive Failure. Education Keynote at the COMBIO Conference, Canberra, Australia, 2014. COMBIO is the annual combined conference of three societies: Australian Society for Biochemistry & Molecular Biology (ASBMB), Australia and New Zealand Society for Cell and Developmental Biology (ANZSCDB) and Australian Society of Plant Scientists (ASPS).
  66. Kapur, M. (2014). Designing Learning for the 21st Century. Keynote at the 7th International Education Leadership Conference, Lucknow, India.
  67. Kapur, M. (2013). Developing creative and inventive learners. Keynote at the Blackboard teaching and learning international conference, Singapore.
  68. Kapur, M. (2013). Productive Failure. Keynote at the Singapore Schools East Zone School Leaders Conference, Singapore.
  69. Kapur, M. (2013). Learning from failure: pedagogical implications. Keynote at the Supporting Active Learning and Technological Innovation in Science Education (SALTISE) Annual Conference, Montreal, Canada.
  70. Kapur, M. (2012). Productive Failure. Keynote at the International Conference of the Learning Sciences, Sydney, Australia. external page (video)
  71. Kapur, M. (2012). Productive failure. Keynote at the Canadian Network for Innovation in Education (CNIE) Conference, Canmore, Alberta, Canada.
  72. Kapur, M. (2011). Digital media and learning: Stories from Singapore. Keynote at the Mobility Shifts conference organized by the New School and MacArthur Foundation, New York, NY.
  73. Kapur, M. (2011). Productive failure in design problem solving. Keynote at the Singapore Schools South Zone Assessment for 21st Century Skills Leaders Conference, Singapore.
  74. Kapur, M. (2010,). Productive failure. Keynote at the Learning Technology Research Fest, School of Education and Social Sciences, University of Sydney, Australia. external page (video)
  75. Kapur, M. (2010). Transforming Learning for the 21st Century. Keynote at the Edutechnovation Conference, MOE Singapore, Singapore. external page (video)
  76. Kapur, M. (2008). Productive failure. Keynote at the European Conference on Technology for Enhanced Learning (EC-TEL), Maastricht, Netherlands. external page (video)
  77. Kapur, M. (2007). ICT-enabled Education in Singapore: IT Master Plans I and II. Keynote at the SchoolNet Japan Institute Conference, Nagoya, Japan.
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