Dr. Tobias Halbherr

Dr.  Tobias Halbherr

Dr. Tobias Halbherr

Staff of ITS Digital Education Services

ETH Zürich

ID Educational IT Services

OCT G 19

Binzmühlestrasse 130

8092 Zürich


Additional information

Research area

Learning sciences, educational technology, educational measurement, e-learning, computational thinking

Since 2012, Tobias Halbherr is specialist for examinations and online examinations at Educational Development and Technology (LET) of ETH Zurich.

He studied Psychology and Computer Science at the University of Zurich and at ETH Zurich, with a focus on the cognitive sciences, graduating from the University of Zurich in 2010. Doctorate at the chair of Learning Sciences and Higher Education of ETH Zurich, part time from 2017 to 2020.


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